What is PR good for?

Ser­vice Offering
What is PR any­way? And more impor­tant­ly, why would any­one need it? Lots of com­pa­nies, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the soft­ware sec­tor do quite well with­out it.

Let’s begin by first defin­ing the term. PR stands for “pub­lic rela­tions”, so for any rela­tion­ship to the pub­lic. More nar­row­ly, most com­pa­nies are inter­est­ed in a cer­tain part of the “pub­lic”, name­ly their cus­tomers and those who are to become cus­tomers. As every com­pa­ny is already main­tain­ing client and poten­tial client con­tact, all com­pa­nies are already doing PR in some form.

PR Methods

The cru­cial ques­tion is: what meth­ods is the com­pa­ny using. As com­pa­nies do not like leav­ing things to chance, a company’s pub­lic image is usu­al­ly man­aged. For this pur­pose, press work is the most impor­tant ele­ment of PR, as clients/​potential clients are strong­ly influ­enced by the press. When the media often reports on your com­pa­ny, over time, your com­pa­ny will become more well known, and best case, will come to have a pos­i­tive image. Should your com­pa­ny be men­tioned reg­u­lar­ly in con­junc­tion with cer­tain top­ics, your com­pa­ny will auto­mat­i­cal­ly be trust­ed more in this area than your com­peti­tors, who were not men­tioned. And a pos­i­tive prod­uct review in a tech­ni­cal mag­a­zine will always be more believ­able to poten­tial cus­tomers than the adver­tis­ing copy in your prod­uct brochure.

Press Work: Success Factors

And best of all: Press work is not only bet­ter than adver­tis­ing, it is also much cheap­er! The dis­ad­van­tage, how­ev­er, is that press work is much hard­er to steer. An adver­tise­ment can sim­ply be booked. With press work, the jour­nal­ist is the one who decides if edi­to­ri­al­ly any­thing will be report­ed about the com­pa­ny and its prod­ucts. For good press work, the deci­sive fac­tor is in under­stand­ing what jour­nal­ists need and how they make deci­sions. Some­one who pro­vides the press with mate­r­i­al that is tru­ly inter­est­ing to the read­er, that can be used with­out a lot of rework­ing, can expect that his texts will be published.

Of course, this does not hap­pen overnight. Build­ing press con­tacts is a long-​term endeav­or and must be based on gain­ing and keep­ing the trust of jour­nal­ists. In addi­tion to our pro­fes­sion­al and jour­nal­is­tic exper­tise, in-​house Agentur’s press work — thanks to the trust­ing rela­tion­ships we have built up over the years with the IT pro­fes­sion­al press — is often sig­nif­i­cant­ly more effec­tive than if the com­pa­nies were to do it for themselves.

PR Links

Your PR Challenge!

Send us your request (no oblig­a­tion, non-​binding) describ­ing your chal­lenge and we will cre­ate a pre­lim­i­nary con­cept sketch for you with­in 2 days.

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