Service Offering

What we can do for you

What is PR good for?

Every com­pa­ny main­tain­ing client and poten­tial client con­tact is doing PR in some form. The cru­cial ques­tion is what meth­ods are being used. As com­pa­nies do not like leav­ing things to chance, a company’s pub­lic image is usu­al­ly man­aged. For this pur­pose, press work is the most impor­tant ele­ment of PR, as clients/potential clients are strong­ly influ­enced by the press.

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PR Results

From a cor­po­rate back­grounder to a tech­ni­cal arti­cle, the types of press work pieces, the “PR results”, vary great­ly. For the PR to be a suc­cess, it is crit­i­cal that the com­pa­ny finds an opti­mal mix of tar­get pub­li­ca­tions and PR results.

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Your own Plan

Are you are con­sid­er­ing in-house Agen­tur for your company’s press work and would like to plan out the next steps with us? It’s sim­ple — we will cre­ate an indi­vid­ual PR plan for you based on our dis­cus­sions of your requirements.

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Your PR Challenge!

Send us your request (no oblig­a­tion, non-binding) describ­ing your chal­lenge and we will cre­ate a pre­lim­i­nary con­cept sketch for you with­in 2 days.

In a Hurry?

You have lit­tle time right now? Our FAQ (fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions) sec­tion has answers to the most impor­tant questions.