Client Portals

Press Infor­ma­tion of our Clients

Here you will find all of the rel­e­vant press info for our (long-term) clients. The por­tals con­tain all cur­rent press releas­es, back­ground infor­ma­tion, pho­to mate­r­i­al and cor­po­rate con­tact info.

agmadata GmbH

agma­da­ta is known nation­wide in the food indus­try for inno­v­a­tive soft­ware and ser­vices focused on meat, fish and poul­try. The team of industry-experienced experts in the heart of the Old­en­burg­er Mün­ster­land region speaks the customer’s lan­guage and tai­lors solu­tions to their indi­vid­ual requirements.

With iFood (, agma­da­ta offers a mod­ern web-based ERP sys­tem that is specif­i­cal­ly designed for the process­es of food pro­cess­ing com­pa­nies — from meat to cere­als to street food. The more than 1,000 users include users from large com­pa­nies as well as medium-sized indus­tri­al enter­pris­es and craft busi­ness­es. Thanks to its flex­i­ble indi­vid­ual mod­ules, iFood can be tai­lored to indi­vid­ual needs. In the end, the exist­ing and future work process­es are clear­ly mapped and opti­mized at all lev­els of the com­pa­ny, from the respec­tive pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ment to the com­pa­ny management.

360°efood ( is the first dig­i­tal ecosys­tem in the farm & food indus­try that brings togeth­er all direct and indi­rect process par­tic­i­pants. It is based on Fraunhofer’s Indus­tri­al Data Space, a devel­op­ment for dig­i­tal sov­er­eign­ty in busi­ness ecosys­tems. As a mem­ber of the Inter­na­tion­al Data Spaces Asso­ci­a­tion, agma­da­ta is advanc­ing the Farm & Food IDS archi­tec­ture and imple­ments a wide vari­ety of use cas­es with 360°efood.

Press por­tal

fecher GmbH

As a soft­ware and con­sult­ing com­pa­ny fech­er is known for intel­li­gent process mod­els, spe­cial­ized tools and the exten­sive automa­tion of process­es. With this exper­tise, the Appli­ca­tion Mod­ern­iza­tion divi­sion sup­ports its cus­tomers in cop­ing with upcom­ing tech­nol­o­gy changes and putting exist­ing soft­ware on a mod­ern new basis. The Recruit­ment Solu­tions divi­sion devel­ops its own mod­ern appli­ca­tion solu­tions and offers hunter, one of Europe’s lead­ing indus­try solu­tions for per­son­nel consultants.

In addi­tion to the com­pa­ny head­quar­ters in Röder­mark near Frank­furt, fech­er has branch­es and devel­op­ment teams in Ger­many, Switzer­land, Roma­nia and the USA.

Press por­tal

IT-Seal GmbH

IT-Seal GmbH is a suc­cess­ful cyber secu­ri­ty start­up that spe­cial­izes in defend­ing against social engi­neer­ing attacks by increas­ing users’ secu­ri­ty aware­ness. With the “Employ­ee Secu­ri­ty Index” (ESI), for which a patent has been applied for, this aware­ness can be mea­sured and bench­marked for the first time. Among oth­er awards, the com­pa­ny won the Europe-wide Social Engi­neer­ing Award in 2016, and was named the best cyber secu­ri­ty start­up in D/A/CH at the it-sa show at the end of 2018.

Press por­tal

2KS Cloud Services GmbH

2KS Cloud Ser­vices was the first com­pa­ny to imple­ment a legal­ly com­pli­ant cloud plat­form for doc­u­ment sub­sti­tu­tion scan­ning with smart­phones. The tre­bono solu­tion ( based on this tech­nol­o­gy offers medium-sized employ­ers direct­ly applic­a­ble mod­ules for wage com­po­nents that arrive tax- and duty-free. With this bonus, tre­bono sig­nif­i­cant­ly con­tributes to employ­ee moti­va­tion and loy­al­ty. In con­trast to sim­ple vouch­er or card sys­tems, all the advan­tages of Ger­man income tax law can be used. Com­pa­nies no longer have to tie up liq­uid­i­ty and audit risks, and auto­mat­ic legal­ly com­pli­ant doc­u­men­ta­tion and account­ing reduce costs to almost zero.

Press por­tal

Allocate Software GmbH

Allo­cate Soft­ware is a lead­ing inter­na­tion­al provider of work­force plan­ning opti­miza­tion solu­tions that sup­port the oper­a­tional and admin­is­tra­tive needs of the health­care indus­try in all their com­plex­i­ty. Allo­cate Software’s solu­tions enable safe and effec­tive patient care at opti­mized costs by ensur­ing that the right peo­ple are in the right place at the right time. With more than 800 cus­tomers and more than one mil­lion dai­ly planned emer­gency respon­ders (includ­ing 500,000 through the Opti­ma plat­form), the company’s most impor­tant mar­ket is the largest pri­vate and pub­lic health­care facil­i­ties. With 410 employ­ees, 190 of them in research and devel­op­ment alone, Allo­cate Soft­ware is the glob­al leader in inno­va­tions in human resources man­age­ment. Head­quar­tered in the UK, Allo­cate Soft­ware serves its inter­na­tion­al cus­tomers through local offices in the UK, Swe­den, France, Spain, Ger­many and Australia.

Press por­tal


IQDoQ ( is an IT spe­cial­ist for dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion. The com­pa­ny has spe­cial­ized in soft­ware for effi­cient enter­prise infor­ma­tion man­age­ment for over 30 years. With its Hyper­Doc Enter­prise Infor­ma­tion Man­age­ment sys­tem and its dig­i­tal files solu­tion IQAk­ten, IQDoQ notice­ably sim­pli­fies spe­cial­ist process­es and gets the best out of doc­u­ments and data–simple, fast and safe. In the cloud or man­aged ser­vice mod­el, the com­pa­ny also assumes respon­si­bil­i­ty for the oper­a­tion of its solutions.

IQDoQ prod­ucts and customer-specific solu­tions have already proven them­selves in more than 1,000 projects. The cross-sector small, medium-sized and large cus­tomers include, for exam­ple, Car­i­tasver­band Darm­stadt e. V., DAK-Gesundheit, Deutsche Post AG, DPD Deutsch­land GmbH, GEO­DIS Logis­tics Deutsch­land GmbH, NZZ-Mediengruppe and WITTE Automotive.

Press por­tal

Seerene GmbH

Seerene builds on more than 15 years of aca­d­e­m­ic research in soft­ware ana­lyt­ics. The spin-off of the Has­so Plat­tner Insti­tute for Dig­i­tal Engi­neer­ing (HPI) relies on Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence and Machine Learn­ing to ana­lyze com­plex rela­tion­ships in the devel­op­ment of soft­ware sys­tems. The Seerene Soft­ware Ana­lyt­ics plat­form makes use of the exist­ing devel­op­ment infra­struc­ture, inte­grat­ing the iso­lat­ed repos­i­to­ries and data from the var­i­ous sub-disciplines of soft­ware devel­op­ment with its own analy­ses, and makes the knowl­edge gained avail­able in a dig­i­tal board­room. Mean­ing­ful key fig­ures, dash­boards and soft­ware maps make the devel­op­ment process as a whole vis­i­ble in real time for the first time and form a com­mon basis for the end-to-end man­age­ment of soft­ware process­es across all expert fields. In this way, effi­cien­cy poten­tials of 30 per­cent and more can be real­ized, qual­i­ty and robust­ness can be increased and risks minimized.

Press por­tal